A non-profit association to assist its members in carrying out their activities, as well as in the interests of stable and effective development of the seed industry
Creation of optimal and competitive conditions for the activities and development of the Association members within the framework of the modern seed market
Our mission
To form a modern seed market in the country and to cultivate a culture of using seeds of hybrids (varieties) of Russian selection
Our goal
Our values
A non-profit association to assist its members in carrying out their activities, as well as in the interests of stable and effective development of the seed industry
Objectives for the next 3 years:
- monitoring the Russian seed market;
- creation of competitive conditions for domestic seed producers;
- improvement of state support mechanisms;
- creation of high-quality hybrid varieties and their promotion;
- development of human resources in the field of selection;
- improvement of the state variety testing system;
- assistance in the earliest possible launch of the GIS "Seeds";
- participation in the preparation of the draft Strategy for the Development of Seed Production in the Russian Federation.
Objectives until 2030:
- participation in the formation of the industry development policy;
- ensuring the country's import independence in terms of providing seeds for agricultural crops;
- minimizing illegal seed trafficking;
- development of industry regulatory and methodological frameworks;
- improving legislation in the field of protecting the copyright of breeders;
- creation of a non-profit structure uniting enterprises in the chain: selection-seed production-production-sales.
Management structure
  • Grain and spike crops
  • Corn and sorghum
  • Oil crops
  • Vegetable crops
  • Industrial crops
  • Breeding
  • Foreign companies
Supreme management body - Meeting of members of the Association
Association Council - Collegial body
Association Director - sole executive body of the Association
Expert Council - Working body of the Association
Committees - Working body of the Association, formed in the areas of seed breeding
Details of the Association "National Seed Alliance"

Legal address: 350012, Krasnodar, Central Estate of KNIISH, Letter I (Lab. building), premises (office No. 25)
INN 2308231780
KPP 231101001
OGRN 1162300051352

Current account: 40703810730000000612
in Krasnodar branch No. 8619 of PAO "Sberbank of Russia" in Krasnodar
BIC 040349602
K/S 3010181010000000060
Details of the Association "National Seed Alliance"

Legal address: 350012, Krasnodar, Central Estate of KNIISH, Letter I (Lab. building), premises (office No. 25)
INN 2308231780
KPP 231101001
OGRN 1162300051352

Current account: 40703810730000000612
in Krasnodar branch No. 8619 of PAO "Sberbank of Russia" in Krasnodar
BIC 040349602
K/S 3010181010000000060
The procedure for joining the Association Members:
Step 1:
Adoption by the candidate's management bodies of the decision "On joining the Association "National Seed Alliance" (hereinafter - NSA).

Step 2:
Submission to the name of the director of the NSA of a package of documents:
⁃ an application for joining the NSA signed by the authorized body of the candidate;
⁃ completed application form;
⁃ copies of the charter, state registration certificate, certificate of registration with the tax authority;
⁃ bank details.

Step 3:
No later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, the issue of accepting the candidate to the NSA is submitted to the Association Council for consideration.

Step 4:
The NSA Council makes a decision on accepting/refusing to accept the candidate.

Step 5:
If the decision is positive, the candidate is obliged to pay the entry membership fee of 50,000 rubles no later than 10 days according to the details.

Step 6:
The accepted member of the NSA receives a copy of the Protocol with the decision.

Step 7:
The accepted member is obliged to pay the annual membership fee no later than 10 days in the amount of:
industry unions (associations)
250,000 in addition, for each member of the association 1,000 thousand rubles
(but not more than 150,000 rubles)
agricultural producers and other
commercial organizations
800 000
100 000
research institutes, breeding centers,
experimental stations
270 000
breeders and seed growers
- individual entrepreneurs
Member of the Association:
Mount of annual membership fee* (RUB)
Step 8:
Payment of the annual membership fee is made according to the following details
Upon submission of an application, a member of the Association may be granted a deferment/installment plan for the payment of the annual membership fee.
The procedure for joining the Association Members:
Step 1:
Adoption by the candidate's management bodies of the decision "On joining the Association "National Seed Alliance" (hereinafter - NSA).

Step 2:
Submission to the name of the director of the NSA of a package of documents:
⁃ an application for joining the NSA signed by the authorized body of the candidate;
⁃ completed application form;
⁃ copies of the charter, state registration certificate, certificate of registration with the tax authority;
⁃ bank details.

Step 3:
No later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, the issue of accepting the candidate to the NSA is submitted to the Association Council for consideration.

Step 4:
The NSA Council makes a decision on accepting/refusing to accept the candidate.

Step 5:
If the decision is positive, the candidate is obliged to pay the entry membership fee of 50,000 rubles no later than 10 days according to the details.

Step 6:
The accepted member of the NSA receives a copy of the Protocol with the decision.

Step 7:
The accepted member is obliged to pay the annual membership fee no later than 10 days in the amount of https://disk.yandex.ru/i/j3RKhJRHrA3EHQ

Step 8:
Payment of the annual membership fee is made according to the following details
Upon submission of an application, a member of the Association may be granted a deferment/installment plan for the payment of the annual membership fee.